All Classes and Interfaces

Wrapper for a PrintWriter that adds the ability to abort creation and an onClose hook
An absolute panel positions all of its children absolutely, allowing them to overlap.
Parses AbsolutePanel widgets.
Simple Activity implementation that is always willing to stop, and does nothing onStop and onCancel.
A default implementation of the Cell interface.
Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler for tables that supports navigation between cells.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
Interface that this class's subclass may implement to get notified with table section change event.
Builder used to construct a CellTable.
An abstract representation of a tree widget that renders items using Cells.
A base implementation of a data source for HasData implementations.
A default implementation of the Cell interface used for editable cells that need to save view data state for specific values.
Abstract base class for implementations of ElementBuilderBase.
An abstract Widget that implements HasData.
Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler.
Event fired when one or more existing rows are re-rendered.
Implemented by objects that handle AbstractHasData.RedrawEvent.
Default implementation of HeaderBuilder that renders columns.
An opaque representation of a particular image such that the image can be accessed either as an HTML fragment or as an Image object.
This corresponds to the top Element of the DOM structure created by AbstractImagePrototype.createElement().
An AbstractCell used to render input elements that can receive focus.
Provides basic functions common to all Linker implementations.
Abstract parent class for scrollbars implemented using the native browser scrollbars.
An abstract pager that exposes many methods useful for paging.
An abstract base class containing utility methods.
An abstract base class containing utility methods.
Abstract implementation of a renderer to make implementation of rendering simpler.
A base class providing common methods for ResourceGenerator implementations.
A superclass for Cells that render or escape a String argument as HTML.
Abstract implementation of a safe HTML renderer to make implementation of rendering simpler.
An abstract class for XSRF protected RPC service implementations, which decides if XSRF protection should be enforced on a method invocation based on the following logic: RPC interface or method can be annotated with either XsrfProtect or NoXsrfProtect annotation to enable or disable XSRF protection on all methods of an RPC interface or a single method correspondingly.
An abstract class for XSRF protected RPC service implementations, which decides if XSRF protection should be enforced on a method invocation based on the following logic: RPC interface or method can be annotated with either XsrfProtect or NoXsrfProtect annotation to enable or disable XSRF protection on all methods of an RPC interface or a single method correspondingly.
Implemented by displays that can be given accept an IsWidget to show.
Use the new GWT ARIA library with the factory class for the ARIA roles Roles.
A cell that renders a button and takes a delegate to perform actions on mouseUp.
The delegate that will handle events from the cell.
Implemented by objects that control a piece of user interface, with a life cycle managed by an ActivityManager, in response to PlaceChangeEvent events as the user navigates through the app.
Manages Activity objects that should be kicked off in response to PlaceChangeEvent events.
Finds the activity to run for a given Place, used to configure an ActivityManager.
A type that represents the alertdialog role in the ARIA specification.
Implements AlertdialogRole.
A type that represents the alert role in the ARIA specification.
Implements AlertRole.
Visitor that adds @alternate annotations where required in CSSRules.
Defines a way of choosing between alternate messages based on a parameter value.
Represents an alternate form of a message.
A widget that represents a simple <a> element.
Builds an anchor element.
The anchor element.
Specifies that a panel can animate between layouts.
An Animation is a continuous event that updates progressively over time at a non-fixed frame rate.
This class provides task scheduling for animations.
The callback used when an animation frame becomes available.
A handle to the requested animation frame created by AnimationScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(AnimationCallback, Element).
Helper to detect native support for animations.
AnimationScheduler implementation that uses standard requestAnimationFrame API.
Implementation using a timer for browsers that do not support animation frames.
Direction estimator that uses the "any RTL" heuristic.
Legacy ApplicationCreator that will let users know that they should run WebAppCreator instead.
A type that represents the application role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ApplicationRole.
Builds an area element.
Client-side image map area definition.
Base class for command line argument handlers.
Parse the -addToClassPath argument.
Argument handler for arguments that are directories.
Creates an arg handler for eclipse launch config options.
A generic arg handler for options defined by enums.
Argument handler that handles arguments that do not have preceding flags.
Argument handler for arguments that are directories.
Argument handler for boolean flags that have no parameters.
Ignores any existing files and does not overwrite them.
Argument handler for flags that take an integer as their parameter.
Argument handler for deprecated no-op flags.
Arugment handler for processing the output directory flag.
Overwrites any existing files.
Argument handler for processing flags that take a string as their parameter.
Interface that is and needs to be implemented by ALL non primitive attribute types
ARIA specific type attribute.
A buffer containing an arbitrary sequence of bytes.
Pure Java implementation of ArrayBuffer, plus package-protected methods for use by related implementation classes.
JS native implementation of ArrayBuffer.
Common information across all types of views of ArrayBuffers.
Base class for ArrayBufferView implementations.
Base class for JS implementation of various views.
A type that represents the article role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ArticleRole.
Artifact<C extends Artifact<C>>
A base type for all artifacts relating to the link process.
Provides stable ordering and de-duplication of artifacts.
The primary interface a caller must implement to receive a response from a remote procedure call.
An implementation of AbstractDataProvider that allows the data to be modified.
An object capable of providing an instance of type T asynchronously via Callback.
An exception that is thrown when the panel fails to attach or detach its children.
The command to execute when iterating through child widgets.
Fired when the event source is attached to the browser's document or detached from it.
Implemented by objects that handle AttachEvent.
Attr objects represent key-value pairs of attributes on Element objects.
Class representing ARIA state/property attribute.
Examines each element for child <ui:attr/> elements, and replaces the corresponding attributes of the examinee with references to the translatable messages created.
This parser is not tied to a particular class of element, but rather is run as the first parser in any parser stack.
Attribute parsers are classes that parse xml attribute values, turning them into valid Java expressions.
Managers access to all implementations of AttributeParser.
A widget representing an <audio> element.
Builds an audio element.
Audio element.
A controller for an implementation of a bean interface.
An annotation that allows inferred property names to be overridden.
Utility methods for encoding an AutoBean graph into a JSON-compatible string.
A tag interface for the AutoBean generator.
Allows non-property methods on simple bean implementations when applied.
The types specified by this annotation will not be wrapped by an AutoBean when returned from an AutoBean-controlled method.
Generates JVM-compatible implementations of AutoBeanFactory and AutoBean types.
Utility methods for working with AutoBeans.
Allows traversal of an AutoBean object graph.
A PropertyContext that describes the parameterization of the Collection being visited.
Reserved for future expansion to avoid API breaks.
A PropertyContext that describes the parameterization of the Map being visited.
The ParameterizationVisitor provides access to more complete type information than a simple class literal can provide.
Allows properties to be reset.
Property enum for 'aria-autocomplete' values.
Utility class for handling auto-direction adjustment.
The interface an object must implement in order to add an AutoDirectionHandler to it.
Thrown when a deferred binding property contains an invalid value.
Thrown when an invalid type is specified as part of a gwt.typeArgs tag within a doc comment.
A type that represents the banner role in the ARIA specification.
Implements BannerRole.
A utility to decode and encode byte arrays as Strings, using only "safe" characters.
Builds an base element.
Document base URI.
will be removed in GWT 2.7 with the handler listeners themselves
The root type from which all client-side proxy objects are derived.
Utility methods for discovering bean-like properties and generating code to initialize them.
Represents a before selection event.
Handler interface for BeforeSelectionEvent events.
Utility class for formatting text for display in a potentially opposite-direction context without garbling.
Base class for BidiFormatter and SafeHtmlBidiFormatter that contains their common implementation.
Abstract factory class for BidiFormatterBase.
A container class for direction-related string constants, e.g.
Provides low-level functionality to determine whether to support bidi.
Implementation class for BidiPolicy.
Implementation class for BidiPolicy used when bidi is always on.
A set of bidi-related utility methods.
Utility functions for performing common Bidi tests on strings.
A thinned down version of some EmittedArtifact.
Represents a native blur event.
Handler interface for BlurEvent events.
Builds an body element.
The HTML document body.
Parses a single boolean attribute.
Visitor that collects the simple boolean conditions that are mapped to configuration properties.
Builds an br element.
Force a line break.
Constant strings representing browser events.
A standard push-button widget.
Abstract base class for Button, CheckBox, RadioButton.
Builds an button element.
A Cell used to render a button.
Base class for button Cells.
The appearance used to render this Cell.
The decoration applied to the button.
The default implementation of the ButtonCellBase.Appearance.
The resources used by this appearance.
The Styles used by this appearance.
The templates used by this appearance.
Push button.
A type that represents the button role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ButtonRole.
An interface to represent the cached results from a previous generator invocation.
A container for saving lists of deferred-binding and configuration properties to be compared subsequently with a PropertyOracle.
Wraps another ActivityMapper and caches the last activity it returned, to be re-used if we see the same place twice.
Model used to get calendar information for DatePicker and its subclasses.
Useful utilities for creating views of a calendar.
The CalendarView is a calendar grid that represents the current view of a DatePicker.
A callback for any asynchronous call that can result in success or failure.
Represents a native media can play through event.
Handler interface for CanPlayThroughEvent events.
A widget representing a <canvas> element.
Builds an canvas element.
Canvas element.
Gradient object used with Context2d.
Pattern object used with Context2d.
Array-like object holding the actual image data for an ImageData object.
A panel that wraps its contents in a border with a caption that appears in the upper left corner of the border.
Implementation class without browser-specific hacks.
Implementation class that handles Mozilla rendering issues.
Implementation class that handles Safari rendering issues.
This node represents escaped character sequences.
A lightweight representation of a renderable object.
Contains information about the context of the Cell.
Standard implementation used by most cell based widgets.
StandardBase implementation of CellBasedWidgetImpl.
A "browsable" view of a tree in which only a single node per level may be open at one time.
Builder object to create CellBrowser.
Pager factory used to create pagers for each CellList of the CellBrowser.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
Highlighting, selectable cell grid.
A single column list of cells.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
A panel whose child widgets are contained within the cells of a table.
Parses CellPanel widgets.
Allows the previewing of events before they are fired to Cells.
Handler for CellPreviewEvent.
A tabular view that supports paging and columns.
Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
Styles used by CellTable.BasicResources.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
Builder used to construct a CellTable.
A view of a tree.
Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
Styles used by CellTree.BasicResources.
Constants for labeling the cell tree.
A node animation.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
A CellTree.NodeAnimation that reveals the contents of child nodes.
A CellTree.NodeAnimation that slides children into view.
Styles used by this widget.
A view of a tree node.
The HasData used to show children.
An implementation of TreeNode that delegates to a CellTreeNodeView.
A Widget that wraps a Cell.
Represents a native change event.
Handler for ChangeEvent events.
As of GWT 1.6, DOM and logical change events are separate.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
This interface describes CharacterData XML nodes.
A standard check box widget.
A Cell used to render a checkbox.
A type that represents the checkbox role in the ARIA specification.
Implements CheckboxRole.
State enum for 'aria-checked' values.
A succinct code representation for classes.
Represents a reference type, such as a class or interface, in the compiled output.
Collect all CSS class names in a stylesheet.
A Cell used to render text.
Represents a native click event.
Handler for ClickEvent events.
Use ClickHandler instead
As of GWT 1.6, call addDomHandler(myHandler, ClickEvent.getType()) to manage handlers for your widget instead
The use of this interface is similar to that of ImageBundle.
Specifies the classpath location of the resource or resources associated with the ResourcePrototype.
Allows ResourceGenerators to define fields within the implementation class for a bundle type.
Allows ResourceGenerators to indicate how their generated resources may be affected by their execution environment.
This is an extension of ClientBundle that allows for name-based lookup of resources.
Uses information in a State object to convert client types to their domain equivalents.
Represents a close event.
Handler interface for CloseEvent events.
Exception indicating an interruption while downloading resources.
Reason codes for the interruption of code down load.
Context for code generators.
An exception which can be thrown by a code generator to abort - callers of code generators should catch this exception.
Helper class for code generators.
A pass that collects the constant definitions inside the tree.
A representation of a column in a table.
A type that represents the columnheader role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ColumnheaderRole.
Represents a column sort event.
A default handler used with views attached to asynchronous data providers such as AsyncDataProvider.
Handler for ColumnSortEvent.
A default handler used to sort a List backing a table.
An ordered list containing the sort history of Columns in a table.
Information about the sort order of a specific column in a table.
The delegate that handles modifications to the list.
A type that represents the combobox role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ComboboxRole.
Encapsulates an action for later execution, often from a different context.
Exception reported to the current GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler when a deferred Command is canceled as a result of a slow script warning.
Class which executes Commands and IncrementalCommands after all currently pending event handlers have completed.
A type that represents the command role in the ARIA specification.
This interface describes comment XML nodes.
Generally useful styles and resources used throughout GWT widgets and cells.
The ClientBundle of resources.
Cross-browser implementation of the "display: inline-block" CSS property.
Captures some metrics from the compile permutations step of the build.
Represents a unique compilation of the module.
A type that represents the complementary role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ComplementaryRole.
Abstract base class for panels that can contain multiple child widgets.
A type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.
A Cell that is composed of other Cells.
CompositeEditor<T,C,E extends Editor<? super C>>
An interface that indicates that a given Editor is composed of an unknown number of sub-Editors all of the same type.
Allows instances of the component type to be attached to the Editor framework.
A type that represents the composite role in the ARIA specification.
Assigns computed values to element attributes, e.g.
Builds Configuration objects.
A named configuration (property, values) pair.
Represents a configuration property.
A Handler that prints logs to the window.console.
A tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of constant values supplied from properties files.
Default boolean value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default double value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default float value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default integer value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default string array value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default string map value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Default string value to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
Like Constants, a tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of constant values supplied from properties files with the added ability to look up constants at runtime with a string key.
A type that represents the contentinfo role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ContentinfoRole.
Rendering Context interface used to draw on a CanvasElement.
Rendering interface used to draw on a CanvasElement.
Enum for composite style.
Enum for line-cap style.
Enum for line-join style.
Enum for the repetition values.
Enum for text align style.
Enum for text baseline style.
Represents a native context menu event.
Handler for ContextMenuEvent events.
Provides access to browser cookies stored on the client.
Legacy compatibility wrapper for CountingEventBus.
Wraps an EventBus to keep a count of registered handlers and how many times events have fired.
Visitor that handles conditional nodes with conditions that need to be evaluated at runtime.
Utility methods used by ApplicationCreator.
This linker uses an iframe to hold the code and a script tag to download the code.
Converter from Css to Gss.
Css2GssConversionException signals a problem with the conversion from CSS to GSS.
CSS Color object.
Represents a sequence of no-arg method invocations.
Represents a else if node in the css ast.
Represents a else node in the css ast.
Represents a Java expression.
Converts css class names to a form safe to use as a Java identifier.
Thrown by CssNameConverter.convertSet(Set) on name collision.
Visitor that converts the AST to a String that can be evaluated as a Java expression.
Aggregates and minifies CSS stylesheets.
The original CSS class name specified in the resource.
Makes class selectors from other CssResource types available in the raw source of a CssResource.
Specifies the string prefix to use when one CssResource is imported into the scope of another CssResource.
The presence of this annotation on a CssResource accessor method indicates that any class selectors that do not correspond with a String accessor method in the return type or an @external declaration should not trigger a compilation error.
Indicates that the String accessor methods defined in a CssResource will return the same values across all implementations of that type.
Strict mode is now the default behavior for CssResource
Marker interface for all classes that should be obfuscated together in Css Resource generation.
Represents a conditional rule that needs to be evaluated at runtime.
CurrencyCodeMapConstants provide a interface to access data constrained in file.
Information about a currency.
Generated class containing all the CurrencyImpl instances.
CustomButton is a base button class with built in support for a set number of button faces.
Parses CustomButton widgets.
Create a custom localized date/time format at compile time.
Create a custom localized date/time format at compile time.
Annotation containing the pattern skeleton.
Annotation containing the pattern skeleton.
An interface that may be implemented by class-based custom field serializers which will reduce the amount of server-side reflection during serialization, hence improving their serialization performance.
A custom version of the ScrollPanel that allows user provided scrollbars.
A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
A Linker for producing a single JavaScript file from a GWT module that can be run in the d8 command line profiler.
A tabular view with a fixed header and footer section and a scrollable data section in the middle.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
A simple widget wrapper around a table element.
A non-text resource.
Specifies that the resource or resources associated with the ResourcePrototype should not be embedded into the compiled output.
Specifies the MIME Type of the resource or resources associated with the ResourcePrototype.
Class representing DataTransfer interface.
Used to specify the drop effect to use on dragenter or dragover events.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as heterogeneous values.
Pure Java implementation of DataView.
JS native implementation of DataView.
JS native implementation of DataView for platforms with typed array support but missing DataView (ie, Firefox).
A stream of heterogeneous values on top of a DataViewStream.
A text box that shows a DatePicker when the user focuses on it.
Default DateBox.Format class.
Implemented by a delegate to handle the parsing and formating of date values.
A Cell used to render Dates.
Creates a new value every time a date is accessed.
Extends ValueLabel for convenience when dealing with dates and DateTimeFormat, especially in UiBinder templates.
Parses DateLabel widgets.
Standard GWT date picker.
Convenience class to group css style names.
A Cell used to render and edit Dates.
Package protected class used to combine functionality for the MonthSelector and CalendarView components.
use DateTimeFormatInfo instead
Adapter that makes a DateTimeFormatInfo implementation suitable for use with something that wants a DateTimeConstants.
DateTimeConstantsImpl class encapsulate a collection of DateTime formatting symbols for use with DateTime format and parse services.
Formats and parses dates and times using locale-sensitive patterns.
Formats and parses dates and times using locale-sensitive patterns.
Predefined date/time formats -- see CustomDateTimeFormat if you need some format that isn't supplied here.
Predefined date/time formats -- see CustomDateTimeFormat if you need some format that isn't supplied here.
use DateTimeFormatInfo instead
Information required for formatting and parsing localized date/time values.
Adapter that makes a DateTimeConstants implementation suitable for use with something that wants a DateTimeFormatInfo.
Renders Date objects with a DateTimeFormat.
Indicates the user attempted to perform an operation on an irretrievable entity.
Provides low-level functionality to support the creation of testing and diagnostic frameworks.
A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one can be visible at a time.
A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one can be visible at a time.
A PopupPanel that wraps its content in a 3x3 grid, which allows users to add rounded corners.
A StackPanel that wraps each item in a 2x3 grid (six box), which allows users to add rounded corners.
A TabBar that wraps each tab in a 2x3 grid (six box), which allows users to add rounded corners.
A TabPanel that uses a DecoratedTabBar with rounded corners.
A SimplePanel that wraps its contents in stylized boxes, which can be used to add rounded corners to a Widget.
Simple calendar view.
Default cell table builder that renders row values into a grid of columns.
Default immutable implementation of ConfigurationProperty that receives its values in its constructor.
A default CurrencyData implementation, so new methods can be added to the interface without breaking implementors if a reasonable default is available.
For backwards compatibility only.
Default implementation of DateTimeFormatInfo interface, using values from the CLDR root locale.
Default implementation for handling exceptions thrown while processing a request.
Specifies the default extensions for a resource type.
Default implementation of HeaderBuilder that renders columns.
An interface for a set of classes which are used to choose the default logging level.
Returns Level.ALL as the default level.
Returns Level.CONFIG as the default level.
Returns Level.FINE as the default level.
Returns Level.FINER as the default level.
Returns Level.FINEST as the default level.
Returns Level.INFO as the default level.
Returns Level.SEVERE as the default level.
Returns Level.WARNING as the default level.
Default LocalizedNames implementation.
Base class of DefaultLocalizedNames, used just to isolate all hand-written code here from all generated code.
Default implementation of momentum.
A simple MonthSelector used for the default date picker.
An in-memory ProxyStore store that can encode its state as a JSON object literal.
An implementation of RequestTransport that uses a RequestBuilder.
An implementation of CellPreviewEvent.Handler that adds selection support via the spacebar and mouse clicks and handles the control key.
An event translator that disables selection for the specified blacklisted columns.
Implementation of DefaultSelectionEventManager.EventTranslator that only triggers selection when any checkbox is selected.
The action that controls how selection is handled.
An event translator that allows selection only for the specified whitelisted columns.
A convenience SelectionModel that allows items to be selected according to a subclass-defined rule, plus a list of positive or negative exceptions.
Default immutable implementation of SelectionProperty that receives its values in its constructor.
GSS requires that constants are defined in upper case.
Replaced by Scheduler.scheduleDeferred() because the static nature of this API prevents effective mocking for JRE-only tests.
A type that represents the definition role in the ARIA specification.
Implements DefinitionRole.
A delegate for CompilationResult intended for third party linkers that want to modify a compilation result.
An abstract generator context class which delegates all methods to a provided baseContext.
Visits a RequestFactory to create its associated DeobfuscatorBuilder, a self-configuring subtype of Deobfuscator.Builder which provides the ServiceLayer with type- and method-mapping information.
Builds the model for the (new) soyc through reading method dependencies.
Builds descriptors from TypeMirrors for both simple types and methods.
A Handler that prints logs to GWT.log, causing the messages to show up in the Development Mode tab in Eclipse when running in Development mode.
A form of popup that has a caption area at the top and can be dragged by the user.
Set of characteristic interfaces supported by the DialogBox caption.
Default implementation of Caption.
Parses DialogBox widgets.
A type that represents the dialog role in the ARIA specification.
Implements DialogRole.
Provides dynamic string lookup of key/value string pairs defined in a module's host HTML page.
A linker that adds a script tag directly to the iframe rather than downloading the JavaScript code as a list of strings and then installing it into the iframe.
A helper class for displaying bidi (i.e.
Interface for direction estimators.
A type that represents the directory role in the ARIA specification.
Implements DirectoryRole.
Use CloseEvent and OpenEvent instead
Use CloseHandler and/or OpenHandler instead
A widget that consists of a header and a content panel that discloses the content when a user clicks on the header.
Parses DisclosurePanel widgets.
Builds a div element.
Generic block container.
Builds an definition list element.
Definition list.
A panel that lays its child widgets out "docked" at its outer edges, and allows its last widget to take up the remaining space in its center.
Used in DockLayoutPanel.addEast(Widget, double) et al to specify the direction in which a child widget will be added.
Layout data associated with each widget.
Parses DockLayoutPanel widgets.
A panel that lays its child widgets out "docked" at its outer edges, and allows its last widget to take up the remaining space in its center.
DockPanel layout constant, used in DockPanel.add(Widget, DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant).
Parses DockPanel widgets.
A Document is the root of the HTML hierarchy and holds the entire content.
Document objects represent XML documents.
A DocumentFragment is a basket into which one may place other Node objects for future processing.
Helper class, which, during startup, asserts that the browser's current rendering mode is one of the values allowed by the "document.compatMode".
Interface to provide "document.compatMode" configuration property value.
Determine the severity of the runtime $doc.compatMode check:
A type that represents the document role in the ARIA specification.
Implements DocumentRole.
This class provides a set of static methods that allow you to manipulate the browser's Document Object Model (DOM).
Checks client to domain mappings.
Attempt to find the most specific method that conforms to a given signature.
DOM-based implementation of AnchorBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of AreaBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of AudioBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of BaseBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of BodyBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of BRBuilder.
Factory for creating element builders that construct elements using DOM manipulation.
Implementation of methods in ElementBuilderBase used to render Elements using DOM manipulation.
DOM-based implementation of ButtonBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of CanvasBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of DivBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of DListBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ElementBuilder.
Implementation of ElementBuilderBase that delegates to a DomBuilderImpl.
Parses a dom element and all of its children.
DomEvent is a subclass of GwtEvent that provides events that underlying native browser event object as well as a subclass of DomEvent.Type that understands GWT event bits used by sinkEvents().
Type class used by dom event subclasses.
Thrown when DOM exceptions occur.
DOM-based implementation of FieldSetBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of FormBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of FrameBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of FrameSetBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of HeadBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of HeadingBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of HRBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of IFrameBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ImageBuilder.
Mozilla implementation of StandardBrowser.
WebKit based implementation of DOMImplStandardBase.
DOM-based implementation of InputBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of LabelBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of LegendBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of LIBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of LinkBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of MapBuilder.
Base class for HTML-based implementations of MediaBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of MetaBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ModBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of OListBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of OptGroupBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of OptionBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ParagraphBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ParamBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of PreBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of QuoteBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of ScriptBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of SelectBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of SourceBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of SpanBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of StyleBuilder.
Builds the style object.
DOM-based implementation of TableBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TableCaptionBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TableCellBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TableColBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TableRowBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TableSectionBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of TextAreaBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of UListBuilder.
DOM-based implementation of VideoBuilder.
Parses a single double attribute.
A ValueBox that uses DoubleParser and DoubleRenderer.
Represents a native double click event.
Handler interface for DoubleClickEvent events.
A localized parser based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
A localized renderer based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
Base class for drag and drop events.
Detector for browser support of drag events.
Detector for permutations that do not support drag events.
Represents a native drag end event.
Handler interface for DragEndEvent events.
Handler interface for DragEnterEvent events.
Represents a native drag enter event.
Handler interface for DragEnterEvent events.
Represents a native drag event.
Handler interface for DragEvent events.
Represents a native drag leave event.
Handler interface for DragLeaveEvent events.
Represents a native drag over event.
Handler interface for DragOverEvent events.
Represents a native drag start event.
Handler interface for DragStartEvent events.
Property enum for 'aria-dropeffect' values.
Represents a native drop event.
Handler interface for DropEvent events.
A utility class for measuring elapsed time.
Describes an editor whose behavior is not altered by the value being displayed.
Tells the Editor framework to ignore an Editor accessor.
Maps a composite Editor's component Editors into the data-model.
Describes an Editor within an Editor hierarchy.
Binds an individual Editor to the backing service.
Defines common capabilities of editor drivers.
Allows invalid Editor state to be propagated through an Editor hierarchy.
A utility class that creates a string representation of an Editor hierarchy for testing purposes.
EditorSource<E extends Editor<?>>
An entity capable of creating and destroying instances of Editors.
A visitor for examining an Editor hierarchy.
An editable text cell.
The view data object used by this cell.
All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
This interface represents XML DOM elements, which are the basic building block of XML.
Builds an element.
Base class for element builders used to builder DOM elements.
Factory for creating element builders.
Base implementation of ElementBuilderBase that handles state, but nothing else.
Element parsers are classes that parse xml elements, using the context to generate widget initialization code.
The original Css parser doesn't create specific nodes for @elif and @else at-rules.
An artifact that will be emitted into the output.
Describes the visibility of an artifact.
Represents a native media ended event.
Handler interface for EndedEvent events.
The abstraction of any possible entity in the code that is register by soyc: classes, methods and fields.
Stores the size contribution to each fragment for this entity.
Serialize/Deserialize EntityDescriptor instances to/from json.
A proxy for a server-side domain object.
Event posted by a RequestFactory when changes to an entity are detected.
Implemented by methods that handle EntityProxyChange events.
A stable, opaque id of an EntityProxy that remains stable across updates, creates, deletes on the client.
An EntityProxy-aware key provider, handy for use with SelectionModel and various cell widgets.
Creates the entities artifacts for the new soyc.
This interface represents entity references, such as &foo;.
Implement this interface to allow a class to act as a module entry point.
Parses an enum attribute.
EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>,V>
A serialization-compatible mock for EnumMap that uses an equal EnumMap.serialVersionUID and a compatible set of fields.
A utility to extract the key type of any EnumMap, even if it is empty.
Represents a native error event.
Handler interface for ErrorEvent events.
GSS function that creates a CssJavaExpressionNode in order to evaluate a Java expression at runtime.
An opaque handle to a native DOM Event.
Base Event object.
Represents a preview of a native Event.
Handler interface for Event.NativePreviewEvent events.
Type class used to register events with an EventBus.
Extends {} for legacy compatibility.
Dispatches Events to interested parties.
Marker interface for event handlers.
Receives low-level browser events.
Represents the target of a JavaScript event.
Handles an exception produced while processing a request.
State enum for 'aria-expanded' values.
GSS doesn't visit the children of a CssConditionalRuleNode.
This visitor allows to visit new nodes created specifically for the conversion.
A compiler pass that eliminates the conditional blocks for which the boolean expression does not evaluate to true.
Compiler pass that collects external styles declared with the @external at-rule.
Identical to TextResource, except the contents of the resource are not inlined into the compiled output.
Defines additional attributes that are interpreted by readers.
This annotation can be applied to EntityProxy, ValueProxy, RequestContext, and RequestFactory type declarations to include additional polymorphic proxy types that are not explicitly referenced.
Looks for ExtraTypes annotations and calls ExtraTypesScanner.scanExtraType(TypeElement).
A no-op implementation of EditorContext for testing.
A trivial implementation of EditorSource that creates FakeLeafValueEditor instances.
A no-op Editor.
A no-op implementation of Request that can be used as a base type for writing unit tests.
A no-op implementation of RequestConext that can be used as a base type for writing unit tests.
A no-op implementation of RequestFactory that can be used for building mocks.
A no-op implementation of RequestTransport that can be used for unit testing.
A FanoutReceiver will forward its callbacks to zero or more other Receivers.
Represents a field.
Generates fields to hold named dom elements (e.g.
Represents a field in a Java type.
Deals with field references, e.g.
Responsible for the bits around and between the field references.
May be thrown by the Delegate for badly formatted input.
Builds an fieldset element.
Organizes form controls into logical groups.
A FieldUpdater may be added to a Column to update a particular field of a data item.
A widget that wraps the HTML <input type='file'> element.
Represents a CssColor, CanvasGradient, or CanvasPattern that is used for stroke and fill.
Wraps an activity mapper and applies a filter to the place objects that it sees.
Implemented by objects that want to interpret one place as another.
Looks for all types assignable to RequestFactory and adds them to the output state.
Allows the use of a very short operation name for the find method.
Iterator over a finite number of widgets, which are stored in a delegate class (usually a widget panel).
Provides widgets to the iterator.
This interface was specific to FormPanel; it is not generally useful and will be removed in a future version.
Direction estimator that uses the "first strong" heuristic.
A flexible table that creates cells on demand.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 32-bit floats.
Pure Java implementation of Float32Array.
JS native implementation of Float32Array.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 32-bit floats.
Pure Java implementation of Float64Array.
JS native implementation of Float64Array.
A panel that formats its child widgets using the default HTML layout behavior.
Parses FlowPanel widgets.
A widget that implements this interface can receive keyboard focus.
Represents a native focus event.
Handler interface for FocusEvent events.
Use FocusHandler and/or BlurHandler instead
Use FocusHandler and BlurHandler instead
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A simple panel that makes its contents focusable, and adds the ability to catch mouse and keyboard events.
Abstract base class for most widgets that can receive keyboard focus.
Builds the DOM elements for the footer section of a CellTable.
Builds an form element.
The FORM element encompasses behavior similar to a collection and an element.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A panel that wraps its contents in an HTML <FORM> element.
Fired when a form has been submitted successfully.
Handler for FormPanel.SubmitCompleteEvent events.
Fired when the form is submitted.
Handler for FormPanel.SubmitEvent events.
A type that represents the form role in the ARIA specification.
Implements FormRole.
Event object containing information about form submission events.
Event object containing information about form submission events.
A widget that wraps an IFRAME element, which can contain an arbitrary web site.
Builds an frame element.
Create a frame.
Builds an frameset element.
Create a grid of frames.
Use FullyQualifiedMethodNameKeyGenerator instead.
A resource created by a Generator invoking GeneratorContext.tryCreateResource(, String) during the compilation process.
Generates source code for subclasses during deferred binding requests.
An optional annotation indicating that a Generator can be run with local information during incremental compilation.
Provides metadata to deferred binding generators.
Implements the HTML5 Geolocation interface.
Additional options for receiving the user's location.
Represents a native gesture change event.
Handler interface for GestureChangeEvent events.
Represents a native gesture end event.
Handler interface for GestureEndEvent events.
Represents a native gesture start event.
Handler interface for GestureStartEvent events.
State enum for 'aria-grabbed' values.
A rectangular grid that can contain text, html, or a child Widget within its cells.
A type that represents the gridcell role in the ARIA specification.
Implements GridcellRole.
A parser for Grid rows and cells.
A type that represents the grid role in the ARIA specification.
Implements GridRole.
A type that represents the group role in the ARIA specification.
Implements GroupRole.
The GssGenerationVisitor turns a css tree into a gss string.
Supports core functionality that in some cases requires direct support from the compiler and runtime systems such as runtime type information and deferred binding.
Supports core functionality that in some cases requires direct support from the compiler and runtime systems such as runtime type information and deferred binding.
This interface is used to catch exceptions at the "top level" just before they escape to the browser.
When running in Development Mode, acts as a bridge from GWT into the Development Mode environment.
When running in Development Mode, acts as a bridge from GWT into the Development Mode environment.
This resource type allows any class that can be instantiated via a call to GWT.create(Class) to be used within an ClientBundle.
This annotation can be applied to the resource getter method in order to call GWT.create with a class literal other than that of the return type parameterization.
Root of all GWT widget and dom events sourced by a HandlerManager.
Type class used to register events with the HandlerManager.
GssFunctionMapProvider that adds the mapping of GssFunction implemented for GWT.
A simple of a GwtIncompatible annotation.
Class representing GWT locales and conversion to/from other formats.
Factories that know how to create GwtLocale instances.
Creates server-side GwtLocale instances.
Class representing GWT locales and conversion to/from other formats.
since hosted/dev mode is deprecated and has no other uses.
Base servlet for GWT server-side code which extracts properties from the request and sets them for this thread.
Base servlet for GWT server-side code which extracts properties from the request and sets them for this thread.
Acts as a bridge between the JUnit environment and the GWT environment.
Information about a synthetic module used for testing.
A utility class to optimize the order in which GWTTestCases are run by minimizing the number of times the test framework switches modules.
This annotation means the same thing as the transient keyword, but it is ignored by all serialization systems other than GWT's.
An un-logged RuntimeException used to abort processing.
Manager responsible for adding handlers to event sources and firing those handlers on passed in events.
Extends {} for legacy compatibility.
Registration objects returned when an event handler is bound (e.g.
A utility class to help deal with handler registrations.
Receiver used to handle all focus events at once.
Receiver used to handle all key events at once.
Receiver used to handle all mouse events at once.
Receiver used to handle all touch events at once.
A widget that implements this interface has an intrinsic alignment which can be manipulated using these methods and constants.
Parses widgets that inherit from HasAlignment.
This is a convenience interface that includes all drag and drop handlers defined by the core GWT system.
This is a convenience interface that includes all focus handlers defined by the core GWT system.
This is a convenience interface that includes all gesture handlers defined by the core GWT system.
Convenience interface used to implement all key handlers at once.
This is a convenience interface that includes all media handlers defined by the core GWT system.
This is a convenience interface that includes all mouse handlers defined by the core GWT system.
This is a convenience interface that includes all touch handlers defined by the core GWT system.
A Widget that uses an animation should implement this class so users can enable or disable animations.
Interface implemented by elements that can have annotations.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of AttachEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface can be configured to be aligned according to its contents' direction, in addition to the static alignment options offered by HasHorizontalAlignment.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of BeforeSelectionEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for BlurHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for CanPlayThroughHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface has a caption which can be set and retrieved using these methods.
An interface for extracting a value of type C from an underlying data value of type T, provide a Cell to render that value, and provide a FieldUpdater to perform notification of updates to the cell.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of CellPreviewEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ChangeHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ClickHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of CloseEvent events.
Implemented by widgets that pick from a set of values.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ContextMenuHandler instances.
A view that can display a range of data.
Adapts the HasData interface to the Editor framework.
Presenter implementation of HasData that presents data for various cell based widgets.
An iterator over DOM elements.
The view that this presenter presents.
A tag interface for Members to indicate that they have a static dependency on another Member.
A widget that implements this interface has the ability to override the document directionality for its root element.
Possible return values for HasDirection.getDirection() and parameter values for HasDirection.setDirection(Direction).Widgets that implement this interface can either have a direction that is right-to-left (RTL), left-to-right (LTR), or default (which means that their directionality is inherited from their parent widget).
An object that implements this interface contains html that has a direction.
An object that implements this interface contains html that has a direction.
An object that implements this interface contains text that has a direction.
Interface for objects that have a direction estimator.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DoubleClickHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragEndHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragEnterHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragLeaveHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragOverHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragStartHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DropHandler instances.
Indicates that an Editor requires an EditorDelegate.
Editors that wish to be notified about ConstraintViolations in the value being edited should implement this interface.
A widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.
A tag interface for Members to indicate that they have an enclosing ClassMember.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for EndedHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ErrorHandler instances.
Use Focusable instead
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for FocusHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureChangeHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureEndHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureStartHandler instances.
An object that implements this interface has a collection of event handlers associated with it.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of HighlightEvent events.
Characteristic interface which indicates that a widget can be aligned horizontally.
Type for values defined and used in HasAutoHorizontalAlignment.
Implemented by widgets that support horizontal scrolling.
An object that implements this interface contains text, which can be set and retrieved using these methods.
Parses widgets that implement HasHTML.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of InitializeEvent events.
Implemented by widgets that have a HasKeyboardPagingPolicy.KeyboardPagingPolicy.
The policy that determines how keyboard paging will work.
Implemented by widgets that have a HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy.
The policy that determines how keyboard selection will work.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyDownHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyPressHandler instances.
This interface is no longer implemented by any GWT library.
Interface for classes that have a ProvidesKey.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyUpHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoadedMetadataHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoadHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoseCaptureHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseDownHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseMoveHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseOutHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseOverHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseUpHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseWheelHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface has a 'name' associated with it, allowing it to be used with FormPanel.
An object that implements this interface has a native event associated with it.
Implemented by panels that have only one widget.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of OpenEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ProgressHandler instances.
Editors used with RequestFactoryEditorDriver that implement this interface will be provided with the RequestContext associated with the current editing session.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ResizeEvent events.
Describes an object that displays a range of rows.
An interface implemented by client-side RPC proxy objects.
An object that implements this interface contains text with HTML markup, which can be set with the Cross-Site-Scripting-safe HTML markup encapsulated in a SafeHtml object.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ScrollHandler instances.
Implemented by widgets that support scrolling.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of SelectionEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ShowRangeEvent events.
An object that implements this interface contains text, which can be set and retrieved using these methods.
Adapts the HasText interface to the Editor framework.
Parses widgets that implement HasText.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchCancelHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchEndHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchMoveHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchStartHandler instances.
A widget that implements this interface contains items and can operate them.
Extends this interface with convenience methods to handle IsWidget.
Parses Tree widgets.
Interface implemented by elements that can have can have type parameters, namely classes and methods.
Extends TakesValue to allow the value to be pulled back out, and to throw ValueChangeEvent events.
A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ValueChangeEvent events.
Characteristic interface which indicates that a widget has an associated vertical alignment.
Horizontal alignment constant.
Implemented by widgets that support vertical scrolling.
Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.
A widget that implements this interface contains widgets and can enumerate them.
Extends this interface with convenience methods to handle IsWidget.
A handler which can log to any widget which extends the HasWidgets interface.
Parses any widgets that implement HasWidgets.
A widget that implements this interface has a 'word-wrap' property that can be manipulated using these methods.
Builds an head element.
Document head information.
Class for describing an HTTP header.
A table column header or footer.
Builds the DOM elements for the header section of a CellTable.
A panel that includes a header (top), footer (bottom), and content (middle) area.
Builds an heading element.
For the H1 to H6 elements.
A type that represents the heading role in the ARIA specification.
Implements HeadingRole.
Represents a hidden field in an HTML form.
Represents a highlight event.
Handler interface for HighlightEvent events.
This class allows you to interact with the browser's history stack.
A panel that lays all of its widgets out in a single horizontal column.
Describes a horizontal scrollbar.
Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class.
The default resources used by this widget.
Builds an hr element.
Create a horizontal rule.
A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.
HTML-based implementation of AnchorBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of AreaBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of AudioBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of BaseBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of BodyBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of BRBuilder.
Factory for creating element builders that use string concatenation to generate HTML.
Implementation of methods in ElementBuilderBase used to render HTML as a string, using innerHtml to generate an element.
HTML-based implementation of ButtonBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of CanvasBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of DivBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of DListBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of ElementBuilder.
Implementation of ElementBuilderBase that delegates to an HtmlBuilderImpl.
HTML-based implementation of FieldSetBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of FormBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of FrameBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of FrameSetBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of HeadBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of HeadingBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of HRBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of IFrameBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of ImageBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of InputBuilder.
This is the most generally useful interpreter, and the most likely to be used by a custom parser when calling XMLElement.consumeInnerHtml(<java.lang.String>).
HTML-based implementation of LabelBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of LegendBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of LIBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of LinkBuilder.
Formats LogRecords into HTML.
HTML-based implementation of MapBuilder.
Base class for HTML-based implementations of MediaBuilder.
Processes <ui:msg> elements inside HTML values, which themselves are allowed to contain HTML.
Provides instances of PlaceholderInterpreter, to allow customized handling of the innards of a msg element.
HTML-based implementation of MetaBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of OListBuilder.
A subclass of standard HtmlTableSectionBuilder that allows directly appending html to a table section.
HTML-based implementation of OptGroupBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of OptionBuilder.
A panel that contains HTML, and which can attach child widgets to identified elements within that HTML.
Parses HTMLPanel widgets.
HTML-based implementation of ParagraphBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of ParamBuilder.
Interprets the interior of an html message.
HTML-based implementation of PreBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of QuoteBuilder.
Sanitizes untrusted HTML.
HTML-based implementation of ScriptBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of SelectBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of SourceBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of SpanBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of StyleBuilder.
Builds the style object.
HTMLTable contains the common table algorithms for Grid and FlexTable.
HTML-based implementation of TableBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TableCaptionBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TableCellBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TableColBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TableRowBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TableSectionBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TextAreaBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of TitleBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of UListBuilder.
HTML-based implementation of VideoBuilder.
Abstract class representing position events such as mouse or touch events.
A widget that serves as an "internal" hyperlink.
A Cell decorator that adds an icon to another Cell.
Id reference attribute type
A passthrough column, useful for giving cells access to the entire row object.
Used as a base type for messages that are about a particular id.
Describes the longevity of the id.
Builds an iframe element.
Inline subwindows.
A widget that displays the image at a given URL.
Builds an image element.
replaced by ClientBundle and ImageResource
Explicitly specifies a file name or path to the image resource to be associated with a method in an ImageBundle.
An AbstractCell used to render an image.
Object that holds image data and a size.
Embedded image.
An AbstractCell used to render an image.
The default SafeHtmlRenderers.
The renderers used by this cell.
The images used by the ImageLoadingCell.DefaultRenderers.
Custom parsing of Image widgets.
Provides access to image resources at runtime.
Specifies additional options to control how an image is bundled.
Indicates that an ImageResource should be bundled in such a way as to support horizontal or vertical repetition.
An AbstractCell used to render an ImageResource.
Given an ImageResource, renders an element to show it.
Visitor that detects sprite definitions and replace them by several css rules in order to create the corresponding sprited image.
A type that represents the img role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ImgRole.
Exception that will be passed to the AsyncCallback.onFailure(Throwable) method when an incompatibility is detected between a RemoteService client and its corresponding RemoteService server.
Exception reported to the current GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler when a deferred IncrementalCommand is canceled as a result of a slow script warning.
An extension to the Generator class which supports incremental generation.
Implemented by panels that impose an explicit ordering on their children.
Extends this interface with convenience methods to handle IsWidget.
Fired when the event source is initialized.
Handler for InitializeEvent events.
A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.
A widget that serves as an "internal" hyperlink.
A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.
An in-process implementation of RequestContext.
A JRE-compatible implementation of RequestFactory.
A RequestTransport that calls a SimpleRequestProcessor.
Builds an input element.
Form control.
A type that represents the input role in the ARIA specification.
Implemented by IndexedPanels that also allow insertions.
Extends this interface with convenience methods to handle IsWidget.
Used to call instance methods.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 16-bit signed integers.
Pure Java implementation of Int16Array.
JS native implementation of Int16Array.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 32-bit signed integers.
Pure Java implementation of Int32Array.
JS native implementation of Int32Array.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 8-bit signed integers.
Pure Java implementation of Int8Array.
JS native implementation of Int8Array.
Parses an integer value.
A ValueBox that uses IntegerParser and IntegerRenderer.
A localized parser based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
A localized renderer based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
Pairs XMLElement.Interpreter instances.
Parses a pair of integer values.
Exception thrown when unable to parse JSON strings or the JSON object does not contain the expected properties.
State enum for 'aria-invalid' values.
Occurs when a service invocation did not complete cleanly.
Describes a method invocation.
Indicates that a UI component can be collapsed next to another UI component, thus sharing a common border.
IsEditor<E extends Editor<?>>
Extended by view objects that wish to participate in an Editor hierarchy, but that do not implement the Editor contract directly.
The last parser, asserts that everything has been consumed and so the template has nothing unexpected.
An interface for UI elements that can be built by first generating a piece of HTML and afterwards wrapping a root widget.
Used by RenderablePanelParser to interpret renderable elements.
A type annotation that represents values that are safe to use in a HTML context.
A type annotation that represents values that are safe to use in a URI context.
Marker interface indicating that a type is intended to be used with a RemoteService.
Extended by objects which have underlying TreeItem.
A type annotation that represents URIs referencing the application’s own, trusted resources.
Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.
Common interface for JMethod and JConstructor.
Method declared on an annotation type.
Type representing an annotation type.
Type representing a Java array.
Pure Java implementation class for typed arrays.
Any JavaScript exceptions occurring within JSNI methods are wrapped as this class when caught in Java code.
An opaque handle to a native JavaScript object.
A mechanism to write Java source files.
A builder for JavaSourceWriter instances.
Type used to represent any non-primitive type.
Represents a constructor declaration.
An enumeration constant declared in an enumerated type.
Type representing a Java enumerated type.
Represents a field declaration.
Type declaration that has type parameters.
Represents a method declaration.
Constants used with JNI type descriptors.
Represents a logical package.
Represents a parameter in a declaration.
Represents a parameterized type in a declaration.
Represents a primitive type in a declaration.
Represents a raw type; that is a generic type with no type arguments.
Type representing a Java class or interface type that a user would declare.
A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of JavaScriptObject values.
A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of boolean values.
A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of integer values.
A simple wrapper around an heterogeneous native array of values.
A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of numeric values.
A simple wrapper around a homogeneous native array of string values.
Utility class for manipulating JS arrays.
A simple wrapper around a native JS Date object.
Provides facilities for debuggers to call methods on JavaScriptObjects.
This class provides an API for IDEs to inspect JavaScript objects and is not intended to be used in GWT applications.
A simple Java object to hold a key and value pair.
Represents an array of JSONValue objects.
Represents a JSON boolean value.
An exception that can be thrown when an interaction with a JSON data structure fails.
A set of functions to convert SerializableLogRecords into JSON strings.
A set of functions to convert standard JSON strings into LogRecords.
Represents the JSON null value.
Represents a JSON number.
Represents a JSON object.
Parses the string representation of a JSON object into a set of JSONValue-derived objects.
A JSONP request that is waiting for a response.
Class to send cross domain requests to an http server.
Experimental API, subject to change. Applied to a Request method declaration to indicate that a particular parameter is used as the request portion of the JSON-RPC request.
Experimental API, subject to change Used instead of the ProxyFor annotation.
A JSON-RPC request payload.
Experimental API, subject to change Indicates that a RequestContext should be encoded as a JSON-RPC request.
Experimental API, subject to change Provides the method name for a JSON-RPC invocation.
Represents a JSON string.
Provides JSON-related utility methods.
The superclass of all JSON value types.
JS-specific utility methods, for use in client-side code that has the values in JS objects already.
Super interface for types.
Represents one of the type parameters in a generic type.
Represents a wildcard type argument to a parameterized type.
Type of wildcard bound.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
Key up and key down are both events based upon a given key code.
Contains the native key codes previously defined in KeyboardListener.
Represents a native key down event.
Handler interface for KeyDownEvent events.
Base class for Key events.
Use KeyGenerator instead.
Represents a native key press event.
Handler interface for KeyPressEvent events.
Represents a native key up event.
Handler interface for KeyUpEvent events.
A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.
Abstract base class for all text display widgets.
Builds an label element.
Form field label text.
A type that represents the landmark role in the ARIA specification.
Helper class for laying out a container element and its children.
Used to specify the alignment of child elements within a layer.
Callback interface used by Layout.layout(int, AnimationCallback) to provide updates on animation progress.
A scheduled command used by animated layouts to ensure that only layout is ever performed for a panel within a given user event.
A panel that lays its children out in arbitrary layers using the Layout class.
Parses LayoutPanel widgets.
Wraps a call to a DOM element.
Convenience class to help lazy loading.
Parses LazyPanel widgets.
Used to edit non-object or immutable values.
Wrapper class to ease the transition to HandlerRegistration.
Builds an legend element.
Provides a caption for a FIELDSET grouping.
Parses a CSS length value (e.g., "2em", "50%"), returning a comma-separated (double, Unit) pair.
Builds an li element.
List item.
Builds an link element.
The LINK element specifies a link to an external resource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource (or vice versa).
Defines a linker for the GWT compiler.
Provides access to data about the linking process.
Defines the relative order in which a Linker will be run.
Allowable values for the LinkerOrder.
A type that represents the link role in the ARIA specification.
Implements LinkRole.
A widget that presents a list of choices to the user, either as a list box or as a drop-down list.
A parser for ListBox items.
A type that represents the listbox role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ListboxRole.
A concrete subclass of AbstractDataProvider that is backed by an in-memory list.
ListEditor<T,E extends Editor<? super T>>
Manages a list of objects and their associated Editors.
ListEditorWrapper<T,E extends Editor<? super T>>
Synchronizes a list of objects and a list of Editors.
will be removed in GWT 2.7 with the handler listeners themselves
will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrapped
will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrapped
Wrapper for a FocusListener.
Wrapper for a KeyboardListener.
Wrapper for a LoadListener.
will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrapped
Wrapper for a MouseListener.
Wrapper for a MouseWheelListener.
Wrapper for a ScrollListener.
A type that represents the listitem role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ListitemRole.
A type that represents the list role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ListRole.
Property enum for 'aria-live' values.
Represents a native loadedmetadata event.
Handler interface for LoadedMetadataEvent events.
Represents a native load event.
Handler interface for LoadEvent events.
An event used to indicate that the data loading state has changed.
Implemented by handlers of LoadingStateChangeEvent.
Represents the current status of the data being loaded.
use LoadHandler and ErrorHandler instead
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
Interface that combines locale-specific interfaces.
Provides access to the currently-active locale and the list of available locales.
Generates a property provider implementation for the "locale" property.
Utility methods for dealing with locales.
For backwards compatibility only.
A tag interface that serves as the root of a family of types used in static internationalization.
Instantiator that knows how to lookup locale-specific implementations.
This is the common superinterface to Messages and Constants.
Specifies the default locale for messages in this file.
Specifies a description of the string to be translated, such as a note about the context.
Requests that a translation source file be generated from the annotated interface.
Annotation indicating this is a generated file and the source file it was generated from.
Requests that the keys for messages be generated automatically.
The key used for lookup of translated strings.
Specifies the meaning of the translated string.
Provides an API for obtaining localized names for a locale.
A Locator allows entity types that do not conform to the RequestFactory entity protocol to be used.
Adds support to the ServiceLayer chain for using Locator and ServiceLocator helper objects.
Configures client-side logging using the query params and gwt.xml settings.
Server-side object that handles log messages sent by RequestFactoryLogHandler.
Server-side object that handles log messages sent by RequestFactoryLogHandler.
Base implementation of CodeGenContext which logs via Logger.
A simple popup to show log messages, which can be resized, minimized, and dragged to a different location.
"API Generated" request selector interface implemented by objects that give client access to the methods of Logging.
"API Generated" request selector interface implemented by objects that give client access to the methods of Logging.
A type that represents the log role in the ARIA specification.
Implements LogRole.
A ValueBox that uses LongParser and LongRenderer.
A localized parser based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
A localized renderer based on NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().
Represents a native lose capture event.
Handler interface for LoseCaptureEvent events.
A type that represents the main role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MainRole.
Builds an map element.
Client-side image map.
A type that represents the marquee role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MarqueeRole.
Pure Java implementation of a regular expression match result.
A type that represents the math role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MathRole.
Use MD5KeyGenerator instead.
Utility class to generate MD5 hashes using per-thread MD5 MessageDigest instance.
A widget representing a media element.
Common superclass for Audio and Video builders.
Common superclass for Audio and Video elements.
A JavaScriptObject indicating the type of error encountered by a MediaElement.
The Member type hierarchy represents structural or logical structures in the compiled output.
Represents an abstract member, such as a field or a method.
A standard menu bar widget.
replaced by MenuBar.Resources
A ClientBundle that contains the default resources for this widget.
Parses MenuBar widgets.
A type that represents the menubar role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MenubarRole.
An entry in a MenuBar.
A type that represents the menuitemcheckbox role in the ARIA specification.
A parser for menu items.
A type that represents the menuitemradio role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MenuitemradioRole.
A type that represents the menuitem role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MenuitemRole.
A separator that can be placed in a MenuBar.
A type that represents the menu role in the ARIA specification.
Implements MenuRole.
Interface for writing various message catalog formats.
The factory for creating RequestFactory wire messages.
A tag interface that facilitates locale-sensitive, compile-time binding of messages supplied from various sources.Using GWT.create(class) to "instantiate" an interface that extends Messages returns an instance of an automatically generated subclass that is implemented using message templates selected based on locale.
Contains string-formatting methods to produce error messages.
Provides alternate forms of a message, such as are needed when plural forms are used or a placeholder has known gender.
Default text to be used if no translation is found (and also used as the source for translation).
An example of the annotated parameter to assist translators.
Ignored except on parameters also tagged with Messages.PluralCount, and provides an offset to be subtracted from the value before a plural rule is chosen or the value is formatted.
Indicates the specified parameter is optional and need not appear in a particular translation of this message.
Provides multiple plural forms based on a count.
Provides multiple forms based on a dynamic parameter.
Builds an meta element.
This contains generic meta-information about the document.
Represents a method.
Represents compiled JS code derived from a Java method.
Use MethodNameKeyGenerator instead.
A Mock implementation of CompositeEditor.EditorChain.
A mock implementation of EditorDelegate.
A trivial implementation of EditorError.
A no-op implementation of RequestFactoryEditorDriver that records its inputs.
A no-op implementation of SimpleBeanEditorDriver that records its inputs.
Builds an mod element.
Notice of modification to part of a document.
Captures some metrics from the module load and initial type oracle compile step.
Describes the momentum of a gesture after the gesture has been completed.
A snapshot of the current state.
Abstract month selector widget.
Represents a native mouse down event.
Handler interface for MouseDownEvent events.
Abstract class representing mouse events.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
Represents a native mouse move event.
Handler interface for MouseMoveEvent events.
Represents a native mouse out event.
Handler interface for MouseOutEvent events.
Represents a native mouse over event.
Handler interface for MouseOverEvent events.
Represents a native mouse up event.
Handler interface for MouseUpEvent events.
Represents a native mouse wheel event.
Handler interface for MouseWheelEvent events.
use MouseWheelHandler instead
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected.
Stores an item and its pending selection state.
The default SuggestOracle.
Suggestion class for MultiWordSuggestOracle.
A Frame that has a 'name' associated with it.
Represents a string-to-node map, used in getAttributes.
The native dom event.
A horizontal scrollbar implemented using the browsers native scrollbar.
A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
A variation of NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Resources that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
Styles used by this widget.
A variation of NativeHorizontalScrollbar.Style that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
The default implementation class, which assumes that Typed Arrays might be supported and does runtime checks where necessary, substituting emulated implementations of DataView and Uint8ClampedArray where they are missing.
An implementation class used for browsers which provide full native implementations of all typed array classes.
A vertical scrollbar implemented using the browsers native scrollbar.
A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.
A variation of NativeVerticalScrollbar.Resources that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
Styles used by this widget.
A variation of NativeVerticalScrollbar.Style that renders the scrollbar semi-transparent until it is hovered.
Client bundle used in the uibinder template.
Style used in uibinder template.
A type that represents the navigation role in the ARIA specification.
Implements NavigationRole.
The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
This is the base interface for DOM nodes, as obtained from using XMLParser methods.
An ElementCollection is a list of nodes.
NodeList<T extends Node>
The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
This interface represents an immutable ordered collection of nodes.
A wrapper to access a base GeneratorContext instance but with generator result caching disabled.
A selection model that does not allow selection, but fires selection change events.
The implementation class for browsers known to have no support (even emulated) for typed arrays.
A type that represents the note role in the ARIA specification.
Implements NoteRole.
Indicates that the requested type info element could not be found.
Simple widget for providing notification feedback.
Default CSS styles for this widget.
Annotation on RPC interfaces and methods indicating that they do not need to be XSRF protected.
A Handler which does nothing.
A Cell used to render formatted numbers.
NumberConstants class encapsulate a collection of Number formatting symbols for use with Number format and parse services.
NumberConstantsImpl class encapsulate a collection of Number formatting symbols for use with Number format and parse services.
Formats and parses numbers using locale-sensitive patterns.
Renders Number objects with a NumberFormat.
Extends ValueLabel for convenience when dealing with numbers and NumberFormat, especially in UiBinder templates.
Parses DateLabel widgets.
Generic embedded object.
A class instantiator that simple news the requested class.
Builds an olist element.
Ordered list.
A string wrapped as an object of type SafeHtml.
Represents a open event.
Handler interface for OpenEvent events.
Represents an operation to be carried out on a single entity on the server.
Builds an optgroup element.
Group options together in logical subdivisions.
OptionalFieldEditor<T,E extends Editor<? super T>>
This adapter can be used when a type being edited has an optional field that may be nullified or reassigned as part of the editing process.
Builds an option element.
A selectable choice.
A type that represents the option role in the ARIA specification.
Implements OptionRole.
A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected and retains order of selection.
Property enum for 'aria-orientation' values.
It contains all packages and they reference to classes ClassDescriptor.
A simple pager that controls the page size.
Simple pair class.
Abstract base class for all panels, which are widgets that can contain other widgets.
Builds an paragraph element.
Builds an param element.
Parameters fed to the OBJECT element.
Indicates that a source declaration was not parsed successfully.
An object that can parse text and return a value.
Annotation for classes that are only supported on a limited set of browsers.
A no-op String parser.
A no-op String renderer.
A text box that visually masks its input to prevent eavesdropping.
Visitor that collects the different permutation axis defined in a gss file.
Represents a bookmarkable location in an app.
Event thrown when the user has reached a new location in the app.
Implemented by handlers of PlaceChangeEvent.
Event thrown when the user may go to a new place in the app, or tries to leave it.
Implemented by handlers of PlaceChangeRequestEvent.
In charge of the user's location in the app.
Default implementation of PlaceController.Delegate, based on Window.
Optional delegate in charge of Window-related events.
Monitors PlaceChangeEvents and History events and keep them in sync.
Default implementation of PlaceHistoryHandler.Historian, based on History.
Optional delegate in charge of History related events.
Maps Places to/from tokens, used to configure a PlaceHistoryHandler.
A PlaceHistoryMapper that can get its PlaceTokenizer instances from a factory.
Implemented by objects responsible for text serialization and deserialization of Place objects.
Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
The interface that plural rules must implement.
Information about the plural forms supported by this rule which will be used during code generation and by tools to provide information to translators.
A simple point class.
use CloseHandler instead
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A handler that logs to LoggingPopup.
A panel that can "pop up" over other widgets.
The type of animation to use when opening the popup.
A callback that is used to set the position of a PopupPanel right before it is shown.
An Animation used to enlarge the popup into view.
Represents information about the user's position as reported by the browser.
Represents position reported by the browser.
Represents an error that occurred while trying to get the user's current position.
Real JavaScriptObject implementation of the Position.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
Builds an pre element.
Captures some metrics from the precompilation step.
A linker that precompresses the public artifacts that it sees.
Preformatted text.
A resource that can be prefetched via the Prefetcher class.
This class allows requesting the download of resources before they are strictly needed.
Indicates the prefix to use when the token written by PlaceTokenizer.getToken(Place) is written to History.newItem(java.lang.String).
A prefix tree (aka trie).
A type that represents the presentation role in the ARIA specification.
Implements PresentationRole.
State enum for 'aria-pressed' values.
not needed anymore,
Primitive type attribute.
Lightweight map implementation.
This interface documents the ProcessingInstruction node type.
A type that represents the progressbar role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ProgressbarRole.
Represents a native media progress event.
Handler interface for ProgressEvent events.
Legacy ProjectCreator that will let users know that they should run WebAppCreator instead.
Writes GWT-style Java properties files for translation.
Class that contains constants for all ARIA properties as defined by the W3C specification W3C ARIA specification.
Provides deferred binding property values.
An interface for generating a property provider JS implementation, rather than having it defined in a module file.
Implementors of ProvidesKey provide a key for list items, such that items that are to be treated as distinct (for example, for editing) have distinct keys.
This tag interface specifies that the implementing widget will call RequiresResize.onResize() on its children whenever their size may have changed.
Annotation on EntityProxy and ValueProxy classes specifying the domain (server-side) object type.
Annotation on EntityProxy classes specifying the domain (server-side) object type.
Renders a proxy object, and reports the properties it requires to do that rendering.
Examines the methods declared in a proxy interface.
Serializes graphs of EntityProxy objects.
A ProxyStore provides a ProxySerializer with access to a low-level persistence mechanism.
A resource in the module's public path.
A normal push button with custom styling.
Command-line utility for querying source maps.
Builds an quote element.
For the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.
A mutually-exclusive selection radio button widget.
A type that represents the radiogroup role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RadiogroupRole.
A type that represents the radio role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RadioRole.
This class can be used as a substitute for Random.
Represents a contiguous region of characters in the compiler output.
The range of interest for a single handler.
Represents a range change event.
Handler interface for RangeChangeEvent events.
A type that represents the range role in the ARIA specification.
A ready-state callback for an XMLHttpRequest object.
A mode to indicate how incremental generator output should be integrated by the deferred binding implementation.
A class for returning the result of a rebind operation.
An interface for encapsulating rebind rule resolution.
Compiler pass that BiDi flips all the flippable nodes and records if nodes have been flipped.
Wraps an EventBus implementation to keep track of fired events.
Given a RequestFactory interface, return all RequestContext and proxy types transitively referenced.
Implements all methods that interact with domain objects.
This class implements filters that are configured with a sequence of regexes.
A class for regular expressions with features like Javascript's RegExp, plus Javascript String's replace and split methods (which can take a RegExp parameter).
A type that represents the region role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RegionRole.
Property enum for 'aria-relevant' values.
The client-side stub for the logging RPC service.
The async counterpart of RemoteLoggingService.
Server-side code for the remote log handler.
Server-side code for the remote log handler.
Utilities for classes that accept Remote Logging requests.
Exceptions that may occur during remote logging.
Base class for Logging handlers that send records to the server.
Marker interface that RPC interfaces should extend.
Associates a RemoteService with a relative path.
The servlet base class for your RPC service implementations that automatically deserializes incoming requests from the client and serializes outgoing responses for client/server RPCs.
The servlet base class for your RPC service implementations that automatically deserializes incoming requests from the client and serializes outgoing responses for client/server RPCs.
This SubstitutionMap is used for renaming each style classes of the ast by its corresponding obfuscated name.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
Parses RenderablePanel widgets.
Used by IsRenderable to mark their root element in such a way that they can be later retrieved.
An object that can render other objects of a particular type into plain-text form.
Encapsulates exceptions that should be thrown back to the client.
An HTTP request that is waiting for a response.
A Request represents a single method invocation on the server.
A RequestBatcher is a convenience class that allows RequestFactory operations to be aggregated over a single tick of the event loop and sent as one HTTP request.
Builder for constructing Request objects.
HTTP request method constants.
The primary interface a caller must implement to receive a response to a Request.
The base interface for RequestFactory service endpoints.
Scans a RequestContext declaration.
RequestException is the superclass for the HTTP request related exceptions.
Marker interface for the RequestFactory code generator.
The interface that links RequestFactory and the Editor framework together.
Used to extract RequestFactory client jars from gwt-user.jar.
Used to extract RequestFactory client jars from gwt-user.jar.
An implementation of RequestFactoryJarExtractor.Loader that uses a ClassLoader to retrieve the class files.
An implementation of RequestFactoryJarExtractor.Loader that uses a ClassLoader to retrieve the class files.
Describes a way to emit the contents of a classpath, typically into a JAR or filesystem directory.
Describes a way to emit the contents of a classpath, typically into a JAR or filesystem directory.
Improves error messages by providing context for the user.
Improves error messages by providing context for the user.
An Emitter implementation that creates a jar file.
An Emitter implementation that creates a jar file.
Abstracts the mechanism by which class files are loaded.
Abstracts the mechanism by which class files are loaded.
Controls what is emitted by the tool.
Controls what is emitted by the tool.
A Handler that does remote logging for applications using RequestFactory.
Provides a logging request.
Scans a RequestFactory declaration for errors.
Handles GWT RequestFactory JSON requests.
Handles GWT RequestFactory JSON requests.
Create JRE-compatible instances of a RequestFactory interface.
The message sent from the client to the server.
Exception thrown when the RequestBuilder attempts to make a request to a URL which violates the Same-Origin Security Policy.
Encapsulates all state relating to the processing of a single request so that the SimpleRequestProcessor can be stateless.
Thrown to indicate that an HTTP request has timed out.
Abstracts the mechanism by which a RequestFactory instance transmits its payload to the backend.
A callback interface.
This interface designates that its implementor needs to be informed whenever its size is modified.
A standard push-button widget which will automatically reset its enclosing FormPanel if any.
Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.
Wraps an EventBus to hold on to any HandlerRegistrations, so that they can easily all be cleared at once.
A Composite implementation that implements RequiresResize and automatically delegates that interface's methods to its wrapped widget, which must itself implement RequiresResize.
Fired when the event source is resized.
Handler for ResizeEvent events.
A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child, but does not RequiresResize.
Implementation of resize event.
Delegate event handler.
Implementation of resize event.
Implementation of resize event used by IE.
Responsible for converting between domain and client entities.
Implements all of the resolution methods in ServiceLayer.
A callback interface for asynchronous operations on resources.
Context object for ResourceGenerators.
Associates a ResourcePrototype with a program error.
Encapsulates per-type resource generation logic.
Specifies the implementation of ResourceGenerator to use for a type of ResourcePrototype.
Utility methods for building ResourceGenerators.
The base interface all bundle resource types must extend.
Gss function that create the needed nodes in order to correctly get the url of a resource.
Wrapper which provides access to the components of an HTTP response.
A Response implementation based on a XMLHttpRequest.
The result of fulfilling a request on the server.
Implement this interface to receive HTTP completion events.
The entry point for annotation validation.
A rich text editor that allows complex styling and formatting.
Font size enumeration.
This interface is used to access full formatting options, when available.
Justification enumeration.
A generic ARIA Role.
The base class for implementing a Role.
A factory providing each concrete role in the ARIA specification.
A singleton implementation of LayoutPanel that always attaches itself to the document body (i.e.
The panel to which all other widgets must ultimately be added.
Represents a row count change event.
Handler interface for RowCountChangeEvent events.
A type that represents the rowgroup role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RowgroupRole.
A type that represents the rowheader role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RowheaderRole.
Represents a row hover event.
Handler for RowHoverEvent.
Indicates the scope/area of the hover event
A type that represents the row role in the ARIA specification.
Implements RowRole.
A description of how rows are to be styled in a CellTable.
Utility class for integrating with the RPC system.
Utility class for integrating with the RPC system.
This artifact holds a log of the reasoning for which types are considered serializable for a particular RPC interface.
This linker emits RpcLogArtifacts as output files.
This artifact provides information about which proxy classes resulted in which rpc proxy files.
Emit a file containing a map of RPC proxy classes to the partial path of the RPC policy file.
Describes an incoming RPC request in terms of a resolved Method and an array of arguments.
This class encapsulates the logic necessary to configure a RequestBuilder for use with an RPC proxy object.
Utility class containing helper methods used by servlets that integrate with the RPC system.
Utility class containing helper methods used by servlets that integrate with the RPC system.
An interface for RPC token implementation objects included with each RPC call.
RemoteService interfaces specifying RpcToken implementation using this annotation will only have serializers for the specific class generated, as opposed to generating serializers for all RpcToken implementations.
Exception that will be passed to the RpcTokenExceptionHandler.onRpcTokenException(RpcTokenException) method when RPC token processing resulted in an error.
Handles an exception produced while processing RpcToken.
A callback meant to be used by GWT.runAsync(RunAsyncCallback).
A request to load the code for a GWT.runAsync(Class, split point.
Visitor that collects conditional blocks containing conditions that need to be evaluated at runtime.
An object that implements this interface encapsulates HTML that is guaranteed to be safe to use (with respect to potential Cross-Site-Scripting vulnerabilities) in an HTML context.
A wrapper to BidiFormatter whose methods return SafeHtml instead of String.
A builder that facilitates the building up of XSS-safe HTML from text snippets.
A Cell used to render safe HTML markup.
A Header containing safe HTML data rendered by a SafeHtmlCell.
SafeHtml utilities whose implementation differs between Development and Production Mode.
An object that can render other objects of a particular type into safe HTML form.
A string wrapped as an object of type SafeHtml.
Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
A tag interface that facilitates compile-time binding of HTML templates to generate SafeHtml strings.
The HTML template.
Utility class containing static methods for escaping and sanitizing strings.
An AbstractCell used to render an image by using a SafeUri.
An object that implements this interface encapsulates zero or more CSS properties that are guaranteed to be safe to use (with respect to potential Cross-Site-Scripting vulnerabilities) in a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) attribute context.
A builder that facilitates the building up of XSS-safe CSS attribute strings from SafeStyles.
SafeStyles utilities whose implementation differs between Development and Production Mode.
A string wrapped as an object of type SafeStyles.
Utility class containing static methods for creating SafeStyles.
An object that implements this interface encapsulates a URI that is guaranteed to be safe to use (with respect to potential Cross-Site-Scripting vulnerabilities) in a URL context, for example in a URL-typed attribute in an HTML document.
Parses SafeUri literals or references.
SafeUri utilities whose implementation differs between Development and Production Mode.
A string wrapped as an object of type SafeUri.
Contains utility methods for traversing RequestFactory declarations.
This class provides low-level task scheduling primitives.
General-purpose Command interface for tasks that repeat.
General-purpose Command interface.
Builds an script element.
Script statements.
Dynamically create a script tag and attach it to the DOM.
Builder for directly injecting a script body into the DOM.
Build an injection call for adding a script by URL.
An external script file referenced in the module manifest.
A type that represents the scrollbar role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ScrollbarRole.
Represents a native scroll event.
Handler interface for ScrollEvent events.
Implementation of scrolling behavior.
IE does not fire a scroll event when the scrollable element or the container is resized, so we synthesize one as needed.
use ScrollHandler instead
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A simple panel that wraps its contents in a scrollable area.
A type that represents the search role in the ARIA specification.
Implements SearchRole.
A type that represents the sectionhead role in the ARIA specification.
A type that represents the section role in the ARIA specification.
Builds an select element.
State enum for 'aria-selected' values.
The select element allows the selection of an option.
A Cell used to render a drop-down list.
Represents a selection change event.
Handler interface for SelectionChangeEvent events.
Interface specifying that a class can add SelectionChangeEvent.Handlers.
Represents a selection event.
Handler interface for SelectionEvent events.
A model for selection within a list.
A default implementation of SelectionModel that provides listener addition and removal.
Represents a deferred binding property.
A named deferred binding (property, value) pair for use in generators.
A type that represents the select role in the ARIA specification.
A type that represents the separator role in the ARIA specification.
Implements SeparatorRole.
As of GWT 1.5, Exception implements Serializable and can be used in place of this class
A serializable copy of a Throwable, including its causes and stack trace.
Base exception type for errors relating to the serialization stream.
This is an abstract class for representing the serialization policy for a given module and RemoteService.
A simple and relatively naive client for downloading serialization policies from a URL.
A simple and relatively naive client for downloading serialization policies from a URL.
Destination for the loader's log messages.
Destination for the loader's log messages.
API for loading a SerializationPolicy.
Used to obtain a SerializationPolicy for a given module base URL and serialization policy strong name.
An interface for creating SerializationStreamReaders and SerializationStreamWriters.
An interface for reading values from a stream.
An interface for writing values into a stream.
Exception that will be passed to the AsyncCallback.onFailure(Throwable) method when the value of an argument to a method in an RPC message is of the incorrect type.
An interface that may be implemented by server-side class-based custom field serializers.
Describes a request failure on the server.
Encapsulates a ServerFailure object.
Implements GWT.* methods for the server.
Something that knows how to provide an instance of a requested class.
Helper class that provides some wrappers for looking up and instantiating a class.
An interface for accessing property values.
Annotation on Request classes specifying the server-side implementations that back them.
An interface implemented by client-side RPC proxy objects.
This exception is thrown when a service is invoked without ServiceDefTarget.setServiceEntryPoint(String) having been called.
The ServiceLayer mediates all interactions between the SimpleRequestProcessor and the domain environment.
A cache for idempotent methods in ServiceLayer.
Users that intend to alter how RequestFactory interacts with the domain environment can extend this type and provide it to ServiceLayer.create(ServiceLayerDecorator...).
A ServiceLocator provides instances of a type specified by a Service when Request methods declared in a RequestContextare mapped onto instance (non-static) methods.
Annotation on Request classes specifying the server-side implementations that back them.This annotation can be used in place of Service if the service type is not available to the GWT compiler or DevMode runtime.
An instance of a servlet container that can be used by the shell.
Defines the service provider interface for launching servlet containers that can be used by the GWT development mode.
A model that allows getting all elements and clearing the selection.
This annotation, when placed on a Linker class, indicates that the linker supports the shardable version of the Linker API.
Represents a show range event.
Handler interface for ShowRangeEvent events.
SimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E extends Editor<? super T>>
Automates editing of simple bean-like objects.
A simple checkbox widget, with no label.
A trivial implementation of LeafValueEditor than can be used for "hidden" properties when composing UI-based Editors.
Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.
Basic implementation of EventBus.
A simple and relatively inexpensive HTML sanitizer.
A simple XMLElement.Interpreter that returns a given value to every request.
Simple passthrough implementation of ProvidesKey.
A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child.
A pager for controlling a HasRows that only supports simple page navigation.
Constant for labeling the simple pager navigational SimplePager.ImageButtons
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
Styles used by this widget.
The location of the text relative to the paging buttons.
Base class for panels that contain only one widget.
A simple radio button widget, with no label.
A very simple handler which sends messages to the server via GWT RPC to be logged.
Processes request payloads from a RequestFactory client.
This parameterization is so long, it improves readability to have a specific type.
A simple SafeHtmlRenderer implementation that calls SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(String) to escape its arguments.
A simple property value class.
This annotation may be placed on an interface to declare the single JavaScriptObject type that implements the interface.
This annotation may be placed on an interface to name the single JavaScriptObject type that implements the interface.
A Linker for producing a single JavaScript file from a GWT module.
A simple selection model that allows only one item to be selected a a time.
Annotation on methods of RequestContext, EntityProxy, or ValueProxy interfaces so that the RequestFactoryInterfaceValidator doesn't enforce the presence of a corresponding method on the domain type.
A type that represents the slider role in the ARIA specification.
Implements SliderRole.
Represents a permutation of collapsed deferred-binding property values.
Property enum for 'aria-sort' values.
Builds an source element.
The SOURCE element specifies one of potentially multiple source file in a media element.
Writes a sorted stream of mappings to a sourcemap.
Creates Closure Compatible SourceMaps.
This is a top-level type so that we can serialize any TreeMaps that happen to use Member.SOURCE_NAME_COMPARATOR.
we have now separated dom and logical change events.
use HasClickHandlers instead
use HasAllKeyHandlers instead
use HasCloseHandlers instead
use HasScrollHandlers instead
use HasClickHandlers instead.
A mechanism to write source files.
Base implementation of SourceWriter that implements all the indenting and keeping track of comments.
Converts SOYC report files into emitted private artifacts.
Builds an span element.
Generic inline container.
A type that represents the spinbutton role in the ARIA specification.
Implements SpinbuttonRole.
A panel that adds user-positioned splitters between each of its child widgets.
Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class.
Pure Java implementation of a regular expression split result.
This interface provides an abstraction around the underlying data model (JavaScriptObject, or JSON) used to encode an AutoBeanCodex payload.
A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.
Parses StackLayoutPanel widgets.
A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.
Parses StackPanel widgets.
Deobfuscates stack traces on the server side.
Use instead.
Class that contains constants for ARIA states.
Slightly tweaked implementation used when running tests.
Describes the source-code positions of top-level statements in a string of JavaScript.
Indicates that an RPC response was returned with an invalid HTTP status code.
A type that represents the status role in the ARIA specification.
Implements StatusRole.
Implements the HTML5 Storage interface.
Represents a Storage Event.
Represents an Event handler for StorageEvents.
This is the HTML5 Storage implementation according to the standard recommendation.
Implementation of Storage with non-native events.
Exposes the local/session Storage as a standard Map<String, String>.
Represents a (possibly disjoint) region of the JavaScript output for which metadata is available.
Fall through attribute parser.
Package protected for testing.
Parses a string attribute.
Helper class to produce string expressions consisting of literals and computed values.
Type of expression being processed.
A SourceWriter that accumulates source and returns it in the StringSourceWriter.toString() method.
String utility methods.
Utility class for validating strings.
A type that represents the structure role in the ARIA specification.
A stub implementation of AnimationScheduler that does not execute the callbacks.
An abstract generator context class which by default throws UnsupportedOperationException for all methods.
A fake scheduler that records scheduled commands and can execute them when asked to.
Provides programmatic access to properties of the style object.
Enum for the border-style property.
Enum for the 'clear' CSS property.
Enum for the cursor property.
Enum for the display property.
Enum for the float property.
Enum for the font-style property.
Enum for the font-weight property.
Interface to be implemented by enumerated CSS values.
Enum for the list-style-type property.
Enum for the outline-style property.
Enum for the overflow property.
Enum for the position property.
Enum for the table-layout property.
Enum for the text-align property.
Enum for the 'text-decoration' CSS property.
Enum for the 'text-justify' CSS3 property.
Enum for the 'text-overflow' CSS3 property.
Enum for the 'text-transform' CSS property.
CSS length units.
Enum for the vertical-align property.
Enum for the visibility property.
Enum for the 'white-space' CSS property.
Builds an style element.
Style information.
Used to add stylesheets to the document.
Builds the style attribute on an element.
An external stylesheet referenced in the module manifest.
A standard push-button widget which will automatically submit its enclosing FormPanel if any.
A property oracle that prevents access to any properties not named in its predefined set.
Used by the generator driver framework to limit property access for the purpose of forcing generators to accurately declare their property dependencies.
A SuggestBox is a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input.
The default implementation of SuggestBox.SuggestionDisplay displays suggestions in a PopupPanel beneath the SuggestBox.
The callback used when a user selects a SuggestOracle.Suggestion.
Used to display suggestions to the user.
Event object containing information about the selection of a SuggestOracle.Suggestion displayed by a SuggestBox.
use SelectionHandler instead
A SuggestOracle can be used to create suggestions associated with a specific query string.
Callback for SuggestOracle.
A SuggestOracle request.
SuggestOracle response.
Suggestion supplied by the SuggestOracle.
A marker interface that a ResourceGenerator can implement to indicate it supports generator result caching.
Annotates methods that rely on potentially-unsafe type-annotation casts.
Annotates methods that rely on potentially-unsafe type-annotation casts.
Annotates methods that rely on potentially-unsafe type-annotation casts.
Provides basic information about symbols in the generated JavaScript.
A Comparator for use when presenting the data to humans.
This Linker exports the symbol maps associated with each compilation result as a private file.
Artifact to record insertions or deletions made to Javascript fragments.
Operation type performed on script.
Artifact to represent a sourcemap file to be processed by SymbolMapsLinker.
Artifacts created by AbstractLinker.
A Handler that prints logs to System.out or System.err.
A horizontal bar of folder-style tabs, most commonly used as part of a TabPanel.
Set of characteristic interfaces supported by TabBar tabs.
A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
Parses TabLayoutPanel widgets.
Builds an table element.
Builds an tablecaption element.
Table caption.
Builds an tablecell element.
The object used to represent the TH and TD elements.
Builds an tablecol element.
Regroups the COL and COLGROUP elements.
The create* and delete* methods on the table allow authors to construct and modify tables.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
Builds an tablerow element.
A row in a table.
Builds an tablesection element.
The THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A type that represents the tablist role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TablistRole.
A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
Parses TabPanel widgets.
A type that represents the tabpanel role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TabpanelRole.
A type that represents the tab role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TabRole.
Indicates the tag name of an Element subclass.
Implemented by objects that hold a value.
Adapts the TakesValue interface to the Editor framework.
The Text interface represents textual content.
This interface describes text nodes, as might occur between tags.
A text box that allows multiple lines of text to be entered.
Builds an textarea element.
Multi-line text field.
A standard single-line text box.
Abstract base class for most text entry widgets.
A type that represents the textbox role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TextboxRole.
TextButtonCell is a simple button with text content.
The appearance used to render this Cell.
The default implementation of the TextButtonCell.Appearance.
A Cell used to render text.
A column that displays its contents with a TextCell and does not make use of view data.
A Header containing String data rendered by a TextCell.
An AbstractCell used to render a text input.
The ViewData for this cell.
The interpreter of choice for calls to XMLElement.consumeInnerText(<java.lang.String>).
Formats LogRecords into 2 lines of text.
HTML 5 Canvas text metrics.
Interprets the interior of text message.
A resource that contains text that should be incorporated into the compiled output.
Exception sent when a JSONP calls expires the timeout.
This exception is thrown when a GWTTestCase-derived class runs a test in asynchronous mode and fails to complete within a specified timeout period.
A simplified, browser-safe timer class.
A JavaScriptObject representing a time range returned from a MediaElement.
A type that represents the timer role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TimerRole.
The TimeZone class implements a time zone information source for client applications.
Abstracts a GWT timezone.
TimeZoneConstants encapsulates a collection of time zone data for use with DateTimeFormat services.
A JavaScript Overlay type on top of the JSON data describing everything we need to know about a particular timezone.
Builds an title element.
The document title.
A ToggleButton is a stylish stateful button which allows the user to toggle between up and down states.
A type that represents the toolbar role in the ARIA specification.
Implements ToolbarRole.
A base class for a GWT related command-line application.
A type that represents the tooltip role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TooltipRole.
A simple renderer that uses Object.toString() of the object.
Class representing touches.
Represents a native touch start event.
Handler interface for TouchCancelEvent events.
Represents a native touch end event.
Handler interface for TouchEndEvent events.
Abstract class representing touch events.
Represents a native touch move event.
Handler interface for TouchMoveEvent events.
Adds touch based scrolling to a scroll panel.
A point associated with a time.
Represents a native touch start event.
Handler interface for TouchStartEvent events.
An artifact marked with this annotation is passed through a compilation all the way to the final call to,, ArtifactSet, boolean) .
Scans a TypeMirror to determine if it can be transported by RequestFactory.
A standard hierarchical tree widget.
There are several ways of configuring images for the Tree widget due to deprecated APIs.
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
A type that represents the treegrid role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TreegridRole.
replaced by Tree.Resources.
An item that can be contained within a Tree.
A type that represents the treeitem role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TreeitemRole.
Widgets should now manage their own handlers via Widget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
An interface used to log messages in deferred binding generators.
Provides extra information to the user, generally details of what caused the problem or what the user should do to fix the problem.
A type-safe enum of all possible logging severity types.
A representation of a node in a tree.
A type that represents the tree role in the ARIA specification.
Implements TreeRole.
A model of a tree.
Default implementation of TreeViewModel.NodeInfo.
The info needed to create the children of a tree node.
This is a top-level type so that we can serialize any TreeMaps that happen to use Member.TYPE_AND_SOURCE_NAME_COMPARATOR.
Orders TypeElements by assignability, with most-derived types ordered first, and then by name.
Factory class for various typed arrays.
Base class of implementations for creating various typed array structures.
Factory for creating a TypedArrays implementation.
A SortedSet that maintains an index of its members by concrete type using a TypeIndexedSet.TypeIndex.
Organizes set members by their concrete type.
Provides type-related information about a set of source files.
The superclass of exceptions thrown by TypeOracle.
Utility type for reducing complex type declarations to ones suitable for determining assignability based on RequestFactory's type-mapping semantics.
Provides utility functions for type visitors.
Interface implemented by classes that generate DOM or Widget structures from ui.xml template files, and which inject portions of the generated UI into the fields of an owner.
Static helper methods used by UiBinder.
Temporary attachment record that keeps track of where an element was before attachment.
Mark a method as the appropriate way to add a child widget to the parent class.
Parses any children of widgets that use the UIChild annotation.
Marks a constructor that may be used as an alternative to a widget's zero args construtor in a UiBinder template.
Marks a method that may be called as an alternative to a GWT.create call in a UiBinder template.
Marks fields in a UiBinder client that must be filled by the binder's UiBinder.createAndBindUi(O) method.
Marks a method to be automatically bound as an event handler.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 16-bit unsigned integers.
Pure Java implementation of Uint16Array.
JS native implementation of Uint16Array.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 32-bit unsigned integers.
Pure Java implementation of Uint32Array.
JS native implementation of Uint32Array.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 8-bit unsigned integers.
Pure Java implementation of Uint8Array.
JS native implementation of Uint8Array and, where natively supported, Uint8ClampedArray.
A view representing an ArrayBuffer as 8-bit unsigned integers.
Pure Java implementation of Uint8ClampedArray.
Emulated version of Uint8ClampedArray that is implemented using a Uint8Array.
The superclass for all user-interface objects.
The implementation of the set debug id method, which does nothing by default.
The implementation of the setDebugId method, which sets the id of the Elements in this UIObject.
Parser of all UIObject types.
Marker interface for classes whose implementation is to be provided via UiBinder code generation for SafeHtml rendering.
Interprets generic message tags like: <ui:safehtml from="{myMsg.message}" />.
Indicates the template from which to generate a UiBinder.
Interprets generic message tags like: <ui:text from="{myMsg.message}" />.
Builds an ulist element.
Unordered list.
Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.
A RuntimeException that collects a Set of child Throwables together.
Used to indicate that some part of a multi-step process failed.
Converts upper case strings used in properties to lowercase if they are not defined with a proper @def statement.
The GWT RPC class throws UnexpectedException when a service method, being invoked by GWT RPC, throws a checked exception that is not in the service method's signature.
Encapsulates exceptions that indicate something went wrong in RequestFactory code.
This annotation can be placed on a native method to allow it to directly access Java long values.
Utility class containing static methods for validating and sanitizing URIs.
Utility class for the encoding and decoding URLs in their entirety or by their individual components.
Utility class to build a URL from components.
A trivial implementation of RequestTransport that uses a HttpURLConnection.
Interface to provide both the compile time and runtime user.agent value.
Helper class, which, during startup, asserts that the specified user.agent selection property value indeed matches the expected value for this browser / user agent, thus avoid long hours debugging strange error messages when a single user agent compile, typically created for testing purposes, ends up being executed in the wrong browser.
Replacement for UserAgentAsserter to disable it.
An error object that indicates that the user agent detected at runtime did not match the user agent that the module expected to find.
A bunch of useful methods.
A bunch of useful methods.
A smattering of useful functions.
Visitor that validates runtime conditional node.
Provides "late" validation services when server types aren't available to the shared-interface compilation process.
A JavaFileManager that writes the class outputs into a jar file or a directory.
Editors whose behavior changes based on the value being edited will implement this interface.
A text box able to parse its displayed value.
Abstract base class for all text entry widgets.
Adapts the ValueBoxBase interface to the Editor framework.
A simple decorator to display leaf widgets with an error message.
Represents a value change event.
Handler interface for ValueChangeEvent events.
Provides unified encoding and decoding of value objects.
Provides reflection-based operation for server (JVM) implementation.
Handles the value() function.
A label displaying its value through a renderer.
Implementation of HasConstrainedValue based on a SelectElement.
A Locator for use with value types (as opposed to entities), which are not persisted.
Allows the user to pick a single value from a list.
An analog to EntityProxy for domain types that do not have an identity concept.
A ValueUpdater may be added to a Cell to provide updated data.
Describes a message that contains version information.
A panel that lays all of its widgets out in a single vertical column.
Describes a vertical scrollbar.
Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class.
The default resources used by this widget.
A widget representing a <video> element.
Builds an video element.
Video element.
users should upgrade to the full ConstraintViolation type by switching their Receiver implementations to use Receiver.onConstraintViolation(java.util.Set) instead of Receiver.onViolation(java.util.Set).
Represents a ConstraintViolation.
Creates a GWT application skeleton.
Indicates a problem was found while creating a web application.
A RegexFilter for whitelisting.
The base class for the majority of user-interface objects.
A simple collection of widgets to be used by panels and composites.
Used by HTMLPanelParser to interpret elements that call for widget instances.
A collection of convenience factories for creating iterators for widgets.
A type that represents the widget role in the ARIA specification.
This class provides access to the browser window's methods, properties, and events.
Fired just before the browser window closes or navigates to a different site.
Handler for Window.ClosingEvent events.
This class provides access to the browser's location's object.
This class provides access to the browser's navigator object.
Fired when the browser window is scrolled.
Handler for Window.ScrollEvent events.
use ResizeHandler instead
A type that represents the window role in the ARIA specification.
Annotation indicating that a test method inside a GWTTestCase requires a set of binding properties to be set in its module.
Annotation defining a binding property.
Indicates PlaceTokenizer types used by an implementation of PlaceHistoryMapper generated by
Direction estimator that uses the "word count" heuristic.
The values returned by EntityProxyChange.getWriteOperation() to describe the type of change being announced.
The native XMLHttpRequest object.
The type of response expected from the XHR.
This class represents the client interface to XML parsing.
Annotation for RPC interfaces and methods indicating that they should be XSRF protected.
XSRF protected equivalent of RemoteService.
Async peer of XsrfProtectedService.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
XSRF token.
XSRF token generation RPC service.
Async peer of XsrfTokenService.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.