Class ArgHandlerString

Direct Known Subclasses:
ArgHandlerAddToClassPath, ArgHandlerEclipse

public abstract class ArgHandlerString extends ArgHandler
Argument handler for processing flags that take a string as their parameter.
  • Constructor Details

    • ArgHandlerString

      public ArgHandlerString()
  • Method Details

    • handle

      public int handle(String[] args, int startIndex)
      Description copied from class: ArgHandler
      Attempts to process one flag or "extra" command-line argument (that appears without a flag).
      Specified by:
      handle in class ArgHandler
      args - the arguments passed in to main()
      startIndex - an index into args indicating the first argument to use. If this is a handler for a flag argument. Otherwise it's the index of the "extra" argument.
      the number of additional arguments consumed, not including the flag or extra argument. Alternately, returns -1 if the argument cannot be used. This will causes the program to abort and usage to be displayed.
    • setString

      public abstract boolean setString(String str)