Class AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the data type of the table
All Implemented Interfaces:
FooterBuilder<T>, HeaderBuilder<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T> extends Object implements HeaderBuilder<T>, FooterBuilder<T>
Default implementation of HeaderBuilder that renders columns.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder

      public AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder(AbstractCellTable<T> table, boolean isFooter)
      Create a new DefaultHeaderBuilder for the header of footer section.
      table - the table being built
      isFooter - true if building the footer, false if the header
  • Method Details

    • buildFooter

      public final TableSectionBuilder buildFooter()
      Description copied from interface: FooterBuilder
      Builds the DOM subtree for this footer. The root of the subtree must be a TFOOT element, as appropriate. This method may be called multiple times and should return a new DOM subtree each time.

      If the footer is empty, return null.

      Specified by:
      buildFooter in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      a TableSectionBuilder representing the new footer, or null if the footer is empty
    • buildHeader

      public final TableSectionBuilder buildHeader()
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      Builds the DOM subtree for this header. The root of the subtree must be a THEAD element, as appropriate. This method may be called multiple times and should return a new DOM subtree each time.

      If the header is empty, return null.

      Specified by:
      buildHeader in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      a TableSectionBuilder representing the new header, or null if the header is empty
    • getColumn

      public Column<T,?> getColumn(Element elem)
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      Given an element in the DOM subtree returned by the most recent call to HeaderBuilder.buildHeader(), returns the Column that should be the target of any button clicks or other events on that element, or null if the events should be discarded. The column is used to support features such as column sorting.
      Specified by:
      getColumn in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      Specified by:
      getColumn in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      elem - the element that the contains column
      the immediate column contained by the element
    • getHeader

      public Header<?> getHeader(Element elem)
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      If you want to handle browser events using a subclass of Header, implement this method to return the appropriate instance and cell table will forward events originating in the element to the Header. Return null if events from the element should be discarded.
      Specified by:
      getHeader in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      Specified by:
      getHeader in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      elem - the element that the contains header
      the immediate Header contained by the element
    • getRowIndex

      public int getRowIndex(TableRowElement row)
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      Get the row index from the associated TableRowElement (an TR element).
      Specified by:
      getRowIndex in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      Specified by:
      getRowIndex in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      row - the row element
      the row value index
    • isBuildingFooter

      public boolean isBuildingFooter()
      Check if this builder is building a header or footer table.
      true if a footer, false if a header
    • isColumn

      public boolean isColumn(Element elem)
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      Check if an element contains a Column. This method should return false if and only if HeaderBuilder.getColumn(Element) would return null.
      Specified by:
      isColumn in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      Specified by:
      isColumn in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      elem - the element of interest
    • isHeader

      public boolean isHeader(Element elem)
      Description copied from interface: HeaderBuilder
      Check if an element contains a Header. This method should return false if and only if HeaderBuilder.getHeader(Element) would return null.
      Specified by:
      isHeader in interface FooterBuilder<T>
      Specified by:
      isHeader in interface HeaderBuilder<T>
      elem - the element of interest
    • isSortIconStartOfLine

      public boolean isSortIconStartOfLine()
      Check if the icon is located at the start or end of the line. The start of the line refers to the left side in LTR mode and the right side in RTL mode. The default location is the start of the line.
    • setSortIconStartOfLine

      public void setSortIconStartOfLine(boolean isStartOfLine)
      Set the position of the sort icon to the start or end of the line. The start of the line refers to the left side in LTR mode and the right side in RTL mode. The default location is the start of the line.
    • buildHeaderOrFooterImpl

      protected abstract boolean buildHeaderOrFooterImpl()
      Implementation that builds the header or footer using the convenience methods in this class.
      true if the header contains content, false if empty
    • enableColumnHandlers

      protected final void enableColumnHandlers(ElementBuilderBase<?> builder, Column<T,?> column)
      Enables column-specific event handling for the specified element. If a column is sortable, then clicking on the element or a child of the element will trigger a sort event.
      builder - the builder to associate with the column. The builder should be a child element of a row returned by startRow() and must be in a state where an attribute can be added.
      column - the column to associate
    • getHeader

      protected final Header<?> getHeader(int index)
      Get the header or footer at the specified index.
      index - the column index of the header
      the header or footer, depending on the value of isFooter
    • getTable

      protected AbstractCellTable<T> getTable()
    • renderHeader

      protected final <H> void renderHeader(ElementBuilderBase<?> out, Cell.Context context, Header<H> header)
      Renders a given Header into a given ElementBuilderBase. This method ensures that the CellTable widget will handle events events originating in the Header.
      Type Parameters:
      H - the data type of the header
      out - the ElementBuilderBase to render into. The builder should be a child element of a row returned by startRow() and must be in a state that allows both attributes and elements to be added
      context - the Cell.Context of the header being rendered
      header - the Header to render
    • renderSortableHeader

      protected final void renderSortableHeader(ElementBuilderBase<?> out, Cell.Context context, Header<?> header, boolean isSorted, boolean isSortAscending)
      Render a header, including a sort icon if the column is sortable and sorted.
      out - the builder to render into
      header - the header to render
      context - the context of the header
      isSorted - true if the column is sorted
      isSortAscending - indicated the sort order, if sorted
    • startRow

      protected final TableRowBuilder startRow()
      Add a header (or footer) row to the table, below any rows previously added.
      the row to add