Class HTML

All Implemented Interfaces:
IsEditor<LeafValueEditor<String>>, HasAllDragAndDropHandlers, HasAllGestureHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers, HasAllTouchHandlers, HasClickHandlers, HasDoubleClickHandlers, HasDragEndHandlers, HasDragEnterHandlers, HasDragHandlers, HasDragLeaveHandlers, HasDragOverHandlers, HasDragStartHandlers, HasDropHandlers, HasGestureChangeHandlers, HasGestureEndHandlers, HasGestureStartHandlers, HasMouseDownHandlers, HasMouseMoveHandlers, HasMouseOutHandlers, HasMouseOverHandlers, HasMouseUpHandlers, HasMouseWheelHandlers, HasTouchCancelHandlers, HasTouchEndHandlers, HasTouchMoveHandlers, HasTouchStartHandlers, HasAttachHandlers, HasHandlers, HasDirection, HasDirectionEstimator, HasSafeHtml, EventListener, HasAutoHorizontalAlignment, HasDirectionalHtml, HasDirectionalSafeHtml, HasDirectionalText, HasHorizontalAlignment, HasHTML, HasText, HasVisibility, HasWordWrap, IsWidget, SourcesClickEvents, SourcesMouseEvents
Direct Known Subclasses:
DialogBox.CaptionImpl, InlineHTML

public class HTML extends Label implements HasDirectionalHtml, HasDirectionalSafeHtml
A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML. This widget uses a <div> element, causing it to be displayed with block layout.

If you only need a simple label (text, but not HTML), then the Label widget is more appropriate, as it disallows the use of HTML, which can lead to potential security issues if not used properly.

Built-in Bidi Text Support

This widget is capable of automatically adjusting its direction according to its content. This feature is controlled by LabelBase.setDirectionEstimator(boolean) or passing a DirectionEstimator parameter to the constructor, and is off by default.

CSS Style Rules

  • .gwt-HTML { }


public class HTMLExample implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {
    // Create a Label and an HTML widget.
    Label lbl = new Label("This is just text.  It will not be interpreted "
      + "as <html>.");

    HTML html = new HTML(
      "This is <b>HTML</b>.  It will be interpreted as such if you specify "
        + "the <span style='font-family:fixed'>asHTML</span> flag.", true);

    // Add them to the root panel.
    VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();

  • Constructor Details

    • HTML

      public HTML()
      Creates an empty HTML widget.
    • HTML

      public HTML(SafeHtml html)
      Initializes the widget's HTML from a given SafeHtml object.
      html - the new widget's HTML contents
    • HTML

      public HTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
      Creates an HTML widget with the specified contents and with the specified direction.
      html - the new widget's SafeHtml contents
      dir - the content's direction. Note: Direction.DEFAULT means direction should be inherited from the widget's parent element.
    • HTML

      public HTML(SafeHtml html, DirectionEstimator directionEstimator)
      Creates an HTML widget with the specified HTML contents and specifies a direction estimator.
      html - the new widget's SafeHtml contents
      directionEstimator - A DirectionEstimator object used for automatic direction adjustment. For convenience, Label.DEFAULT_DIRECTION_ESTIMATOR can be used.
    • HTML

      public HTML(String html)
      Creates an HTML widget with the specified HTML contents.
      html - the new widget's HTML contents
    • HTML

      public HTML(String html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
      Creates an HTML widget with the specified HTML contents and with the specified direction.
      html - the new widget's HTML contents
      dir - the content's direction. Note: Direction.DEFAULT means direction should be inherited from the widget's parent element.
    • HTML

      public HTML(String html, boolean wordWrap)
      Creates an HTML widget with the specified contents, optionally treating it as HTML, and optionally disabling word wrapping.
      html - the widget's contents
      wordWrap - false to disable word wrapping
    • HTML

      protected HTML(Element element)
      This constructor may be used by subclasses to explicitly use an existing element. This element must be either a <div> or <span> element.
      element - the element to be used
  • Method Details

    • wrap

      public static HTML wrap(Element element)
      Creates an HTML widget that wraps an existing <div> or <span> element. This element must already be attached to the document. If the element is removed from the document, you must call RootPanel.detachNow(Widget).
      element - the element to be wrapped
    • getHTML

      public String getHTML()
      Description copied from interface: HasHTML
      Gets this object's contents as HTML.
      Specified by:
      getHTML in interface HasHTML
      the object's HTML
    • setHTML

      public void setHTML(String html)
      Sets the label's content to the given HTML. See Label.setText(String) for details on potential effects on direction and alignment.
      Specified by:
      setHTML in interface HasHTML
      html - the new widget's HTML content
    • setHTML

      public void setHTML(String html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
      Sets the label's content to the given HTML, applying the given direction. See setText(String, Direction) for details on potential effects on alignment.
      Specified by:
      setHTML in interface HasDirectionalHtml
      html - the new widget's HTML content
      dir - the content's direction. Note: Direction.DEFAULT means direction should be inherited from the widget's parent element.
    • setHTML

      public void setHTML(SafeHtml html)
      Sets this object's contents via known-safe HTML.
      Specified by:
      setHTML in interface HasSafeHtml
      html - the html to set.
      See Also:
    • setHTML

      public void setHTML(SafeHtml html, HasDirection.Direction dir)
      Description copied from interface: HasDirectionalSafeHtml
      Sets this object's html, also declaring its direction.
      Specified by:
      setHTML in interface HasDirectionalSafeHtml
      html - the object's new html
      dir - the html's direction
    • getTextOrHtml

      protected String getTextOrHtml(boolean isHtml)